Monday, July 30, 2007


This morning wasn't just a "coffee" morning, it was definitely a 'caw-feeeeeee' morning said in the most desperate voice you can imagine, like guy-crossing-the-desert desperate. Ben is teething up a storm and not suffering in silence or alone. Matt and I are encouraging him to push out those teeth the old fashioned way -- we are currently offering him $1500 for each one, and at this point the sky's the limit on where the bidding will go!

Once breakfast was underway, I found myself attempting to put the gallon on milk away in the cupboard; after my second attempt to put it away, it dawned on me that the milk belonged in the refridgerator and the coffee in the cupboard, not the other way around. Hence the need for coffee to clear up the foggy brain.

I noticed that without coffee, it's pretty difficult to get things going. Since having Ben, I need that jolt of caffeine to help me focus and get my butt in gear. I have often told Matt to 'put the dishes in the washing machine' or to "get that thing off that shelf for me" without indicating at all what I wanted him to move, because I was in the other room and he was in the kitchen looking very confused. I thought language was not a problem between two people who understood each other? (Apparently speaking the same language sometimes helps, but who knew?)

Matt is a consultant who tends to work late hours, and as such has also acquired a coffee habit (that sounds so much better than "addiction", doesn't it?). Isabella has been ring-side to our struggle to wake up and be fully functioning in the morning with her usual watchfulness. She's also a slow riser, and tends to linger in bed in the morning. We were trying to get her up for school one day and she was not moving very fast; Matt finally went in there and said "Bella, it's time for school." She rolled off the bed and onto the floor, where she finally opened her eyes and said, "" At that moment, Matt & I also realized that cracking up laughing is another way to get yourself going in the morning.

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